The Acacia Foundation of Central Wisconsin, Inc. was formed to supplement the Wood County K-9 Fund efforts. Our name, Acacia, is an homage to the acacia tree. The acacia tree throughout the ages has been recognized as a symbol of endurance, strength and promise. Part of a family of shrubs and trees found around the world, the various species and parts of the Acacia are used for food supplements, flavorings, fragrances, adhesives, pharmaceuticals, inks, confections, amongst other products.


The wood from the acacia tree is very hard and works beautifully to create a host of items. Acacia wood was most likely used to create many of the ancient holy vessels in religious history including the Ark of the Covenant. 

Many societies include the Acacia tree in their rituals and folklore. Biblical scholars agree that in all likelihood, the Acacia was the Burning Bush encountered by Moses in the desert as described in Exodus.

For the many benefits to humankind, the Acacia was selected to embody the mission of the Acacia Foundation of Central Wisconsin, Inc.


The news media is replete with reports of instances where K9s have been instrumental in breaking a drug investigation into a drug bust. The dogs are extremely valuable in helping locate persons that have become lost and in effecting rescues in some cases. There is no doubt that K9s are an indispensable member of any well-equipped law enforcement agency.


One of the most heartbreaking conditions in a loved one is Alzheimer’s disease. K9s are instrumental in tracking and locating those suffering from this disease who may become lost. Imagine the relief when a loved one has been successfully located by a K9. We continue to take pride in the accomplishments of our local law enforcement officers who protect and serve, especially our K9 teams.


The challenges facing our community are continually changing. Just a few years ago things as cybercrime, social media bullying and identity theft were unheard of. New and more complex challenges are developing right before our eyes. Problems growing from clash of culture and ethnicity are on the rise. The sinister concept of "home grown terrorism" is just beginning to invade our consciousness.

The Acacia Foundation does not pretend to have answers to these challenges. We are, however, an ally to the professionals in law enforcement and public protection and safety whose job it is to stay one step ahead of the bad guys and keep our communities safe. It is under this blanket of safety that our citizens will grow and prosper, both now and in the future.


PICTURED ABOVE: The Board of Directors of the Acacia Foundation of Central Wisconsin, Inc with Deputy Beathard and K9 Rosco.

Leave a Legacy of Pride and Service

It seems to be a fact of human nature to want the knowledge that their life here on earth has made the world a better place for those who will follow. By leaving a tax deductible gift to the Acacia Foundation, one will have satisfaction in the knowledge that their gift assures the continuance of a mantel of protection over their community. Your support of excellence in law enforcement and public safety will help establish one of the cardinal building blocks of a strong community.

The benefits of providing for a tax deductible gift to the Acacia Foundation offers several benefits. First is the satisfaction that one gets from knowing that they are contributing to a worth-while philanthropy. Second, such a gift offers the donor the knowledge that they have created a personal legacy. Finally, such a gift offers the donor current and perhaps future tax savings.